@reach2ratan 7 years ago
What will #internet look like in 100 years?#iot #bigdata #AI #ML #defstar5 #business #growthhacking #innovation https://t.co/Uqe858G9za
@Nathealings 7 years ago
Imagine the Data in one #internet minute| #iot #bigdata #AI #ML #defstar5 #business #growthhacking #innovation https://t.co/LRZrYSM74N
@xhemery 7 years ago
RT @Skyhook: The importance of data for internet of things http://hubs.ly/H04gZNm0 @evankirstel #BigData #IoT https://t.co/6qAp4QhaEN
@jenipherzjw 7 years ago
Smart #IIoT: great opportunities to achieve #industry4.0 http://www.wiomax.com/smart-industrial-iot-the-opportunities-and-challenges-fostering-innovations-across-industry/ #IoT #BigData #logistics #transport https://t.co/9ao3Bj8cQ7
@InsightBrief 7 years ago
Can #transport benefit from smart solutions even more? http://okt.to/9i60oN #smartcity #bigdata #IoT https://t.co/s6I50OfxPV
@michelenull 7 years ago
#IoT: going from reactive to #PdM & turning sensor #bigdata into action. #VRGroup http://bit.ly/2ai0T5x https://t.co/PMrkETCsOu