Five things we need to do to make contact tracing really work
@behxyz 5 years ago
Can you trust "deep learning" models to make "medical decisions"? Join me at #TheAIConf in New York City on April 18 to hear more about "Interpretable Deep Learning in Healthcare". #AI #MachineLearning #Medicine #Healthcare
@TGrantcharovMD 6 years ago
Really enjoyed my discussion today with impressive students and faculty @HopkinsEngineer. Exciting opportunities for collaboration in the area of #AI #DataScience and #medicine to make #surgicaleducation better and #surgery safer. @malpani_anand thank you for hosting! #ORBlackBox
@TarannumkKhan 7 years ago
T2: we can never ever make medicine "free of human touch and thinking" #machinelearning is to boost human touch and care #hcldr 7 years ago
Medicinal Genomics Seeks to Put Cannabis on the Blockchain
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @robdelaney: .@realDonaldTrump Can I pitch shows to Trump TV yet? How about a game show where you make (hot) chicks in wheelchairs fight for medicine?
@signe 7 years ago
Watching @Pcondelight make cookies and trying to stay uninvolved. "Vanilla is a good substitute for eggs." "4.5 cups of oats? WTF???" 7 years ago
From malaria to plant diseases –this accelerator is tackling the world’s real problems
@randal_olson 7 years ago
A public meeting with #DonaldTrump and #BenCarson is co-located with #ICML2016 today.We're going to make #MachineLearning great again!
@mathewi 8 years ago
RT @Chronotope: Journalism may not be life-saving medicine; but it isn't beer either. Strategies that make it available to fewer people are bad strategies.
@BenBajarin 8 years ago
Web MD or some medical database would make a good automated messaging app. Especially for hypochondriacs like me.
@DDubie 8 years ago
We can make medicine predictive, preventative rather than reactive. it's all about software and #bigdata #caworld @PeterDiamandis 9 years ago
Philips launches wearable for chronic illness, to make the internet of things medical-grade 9 years ago
Lumiata raises another $6M to make hospitals smarter with machine learning