@PolicyAdvantage 1 year ago
New #IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare: cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence #InternetOfThings #ML #Metaverse https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@TysonLester 1 year ago
New #IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare (Kissick, 1994): cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence #InternetOfThings https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@TysonLester 1 year ago
New Now #IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare (Kissick, 1994): cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine -Monitoring #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@TysonLester 1 year ago
Via @IoTForAll: "Benefits: #IoT Wearable Devices in Healthcare." https://iotforall.com/benefits-iot-wearable-devices-healthcare #InternetOfThings & wearables— new #healthcare concepts. -Patient Health Access -Patient Medical Compliance -Simplified Diagnosing #FinTech #BigData #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #InsurTech
@TysonLester 1 year ago
Via @IoTForAll: "Benefits: #IoT Wearable Devices in Healthcare." https://iotforall.com/benefits-iot-wearable-devices-healthcare #InternetOfThings & wearables— new #healthcare concepts. -Patient Health Access -Patient Medical Compliance -Simplified Diagnosing #FinTech #BigData #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #InsurTech
@Heiderlab 2 years ago
Our new paper on federated learning in healthcare applications has been published by @OUPBioinfo #MachineLearning #Bioinformatics #MedicalInformatics @achauschild @m_lemanczyk @TobiFrisch @jmatschinske @aholzin @janbaumbach https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btac065/6525214?login=true
@dwtigard 2 years ago
I'm excited to share my paper "Big Data & the Threat to Moral Responsibility in Healthcare" - part of an excellent new collection on #BigData #MedicalEthics #InformedConsent (Open Access!) Contributors incl @pat_humm @McLennanStuart @alena_buyx & many more https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-662-62987-1_2
@UofT_TCAIREM 2 years ago
Some exciting new research published in @CMAJ from several #ArtificialIntelligence (AI) in #medicine leaders, including @UofT_TCAIREM director Muhammad Mamdani. • https://www.cmaj.ca/content/193/34/E1351 #machinelearning #healthcare
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
As the world's biggest healthcare organisation, the #NHS should posses an awe-inspiring repository of #data to be used for the life-saving work of identifying rare diseases and researching new treatments. #BigData #Medicine #Technology http://ow.ly/j7SM30oGJ16
@WIRED 6 years ago
Qualcomm is developing an entirely new kind of healthcare—one where tools like VR help doctors better understand, diagnose, and treat patients in real life.
@GinnyOnHealth 7 years ago
Precision medicine: Analytics, data science and EHRs in the new age | Healthcare IT News #BigData #hit http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/precision-medicine-analytics-data-science-and-ehrs-new-age?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpoa1pEaG1OV1U1WlRCbCIsInQiOiJaK05lb0xjQjhNZFlkaEJ5MGEwZGRKRHJtbnJIMEczYVNSTWxsOWJZZkxQTUNYUWxyeFBlV1ArVHVpcHRNNVR3amZvWWY3RmhXbWRRNmhsV29aRmtuVXlIMzFEb3NiZ3BIUWVxbnE2bzFnUT0ifQ%3D%3D
@Oracle 8 years ago
The healthcare industry is changing rapidly. Why Precision Medicine will be the new norm: http://bit.ly/20G5i2Q #PromiseofPrecMed #BigData
@WIRED 9 years ago
Taking aim at the lack of transparency in healthcare today, RateRx will let doctors from all over the world rate the effectiveness of certain medications for certain...