@seizethedatum 4 years ago
Big thanks to @r_medicine for the chance to talk about our work! Lots of personal firsts for me in this talk: first time at R/Medicine, first slide deck w xaringan, first use of @rstudio cloud for a live demo! #rstats #DataScience
@tmprowell 6 years ago
Fascinating how many mentions #AI & #MachineLearning are getting in #AACR18 sessions. I think all of us in medicine spending half our lives clicking things in #Epic desperately need to believe that computers will eventually work for doctors instead of the other way around... 🤣
@BenedictEvans 8 years ago
I don’t understand people who reach adulthood knowing nothing of their own history or culture OR nothing of how economics or medicine work
@superglaze 8 years ago
RT @forthebest: A work announcement: After 3 years as EMEA editor, I'll be leaving ZDNet at the end of this month, to return to university to study medicine
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
DJ Patil joins White House as Chief Data Scientist to work on precision medicine