@TysonLester 11 months ago
#IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare (Kissick, 1994): cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence #InternetOfThings #ML https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@PolicyAdvantage 1 year ago
New #IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare: cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence #InternetOfThings #ML #Metaverse https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@TysonLester 1 year ago
New #IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare (Kissick, 1994): cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence #InternetOfThings https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@TysonLester 1 year ago
New Now #IoT & #AI— affecting the Iron Triangle of Healthcare (Kissick, 1994): cost, quality, & access. -Preventive Maintenance -Optimizing OSCM -Remote Monitoring -Precision Medicine -Monitoring #FinTech #BigData #Blockchain #ArtificialIntelligence https://policyadvantage.com/revolutionizing-healthcare-the-synergy-of-iot-and-ai-in-kissicks-iron-triangle/
@DD_Wen_ 1 year ago
Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine #DataScience https://imp.i384100.net/c/2840738/1242836/14726?prodsku=crse%3AAhAxVZPHEeelHBK9SqQEGA&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Flearn%2Fdatascimed&intsrc=CATF_9419
@DD_Serena_ 1 year ago
Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine #DataScience https://imp.i384100.net/c/2840738/1242836/14726?prodsku=crse%3AAhAxVZPHEeelHBK9SqQEGA&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Flearn%2Fdatascimed&intsrc=CATF_9419
@DD_Jessica_ 1 year ago
Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine #DataScience https://imp.i384100.net/c/2840738/1242836/14726?prodsku=crse%3AAhAxVZPHEeelHBK9SqQEGA&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Flearn%2Fdatascimed&intsrc=CATF_9419
@DD_Serena_ 1 year ago
Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine #DataScience https://imp.i384100.net/c/2840738/1242836/14726?prodsku=crse%3AAhAxVZPHEeelHBK9SqQEGA&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coursera.org%2Flearn%2Fdatascimed&intsrc=CATF_9419
@moorejh 2 years ago
Synthetic data in machine learning for medicine and healthcare https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-021-00751-8 #bioinformatics #machinelearning #bigdata #ehr
@odsc 2 years ago
Results published recently in Nature Medicine demonstrate that federated learning builds powerful AI models that generalize across healthcare institutions. #DataScience #FederatedLearning #Healthcare https://hubs.li/H0XF-170
@alqenaie 2 years ago
“Data is, and will increasingly be, at the heart of healthcare” Interesting talk by Professor Sir Munir Primohamed @MPUoL about ’Big data and personalised medicine' #primm21 #bigdata https://twitter.com/primm_uk_irl/status/1403290477374357507
@NeuralDesigner 3 years ago
Check out these #MachineLearning examples in the Healthcare & Medicine sector solved with Neural Designer. https://www.neuraldesigner.com/learning/examples/healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence #NeuralNetworks
@Primary_Immune 3 years ago
Yet another "punch-to-the-gut" example of injustice, inequity, poorer outcomes, and institutional-wide racial disparities in Medicine and healthcare https://twitter.com/LancetChildAdol/status/1338628586769686528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw #linux #rstats #datascience #openscience #sepsis #healthcare
@boardinfinity 3 years ago
#BINews: How AI/ML Steered Major Innovations in Medicine & Healthcare In 2020! #Analyze #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #DataScience #BigData #Linux #flutter #Cloud #SmartCity #fintech #Coding #DigitalTransformation #100DaysOfCode #innovation https://bit.ly/37XjWwF
@odsc 4 years ago
The most compelling use cases of AI in healthcare are happening right under our noses in medicine, operating in a way that’s both disruptive and barely seen #DataScience #Healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence https://hubs.ly/H0qKmly0
@odsc 4 years ago
The most compelling use cases of AI in healthcare are happening right under our noses in medicine, operating in a way that’s both disruptive and barely seen #DataScience #Healthcare #ArtificialIntelligence https://hubs.ly/H0qKh_d0
@odsc 4 years ago
There is plenty of news and research done on AI in healthcare, medicine, and education, but what is the impact of AI on medical education? #DataScience #Healthcare #AI #ArtificialIntelligence https://hubs.ly/H0mlpgT0
@ExponentialMed 4 years ago
A.I. Enabled Healthcare, Potential & Challenges... @DeepMind_Health's Dr. @Alan_Karthi at Exponential Medicine on #AI and #MachineLearning being applied to diagnosis & therapy. http://bit.ly/AI-Enabled-Healthcare #xMed #BigData @ExponentialMed @SingularityU
@moorejh 4 years ago
Guidelines for reinforcement learning in healthcare - Nature Medicine https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-018-0310-5 #machinelearning #datascience #informatics #ESEHDWorkshop
@JOBhakdi 5 years ago
#machinelearning & #genetics will revolutionize preventative medicine healthcare. At Quantgene, we're proud to drive this be part of the revolution and protect more patients @analyticsindiam @SrishtiDeoras https://buff.ly/2TSU2lI
@GinnyOnHealth 7 years ago
Precision medicine: Analytics, data science and EHRs in the new age | Healthcare IT News #BigData #hit http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/precision-medicine-analytics-data-science-and-ehrs-new-age?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWWpoa1pEaG1OV1U1WlRCbCIsInQiOiJaK05lb0xjQjhNZFlkaEJ5MGEwZGRKRHJtbnJIMEczYVNSTWxsOWJZZkxQTUNYUWxyeFBlV1ArVHVpcHRNNVR3amZvWWY3RmhXbWRRNmhsV29aRmtuVXlIMzFEb3NiZ3BIUWVxbnE2bzFnUT0ifQ%3D%3D
@Ken_Congdon 8 years ago
Will Precision Medicine Create Healthcare “Data Dumpsters”?: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/will-precision-medicine-create-healthcare-data-dumpsters#.Vz8EfNzSyFo.twitter #BigData #HealthIT
@BigDataCanarias 8 years ago
Precision medicine and health #privacy are leading to a converged path around #bigdata in healthcarehttp://medcitynews.com/2016/03/precision-medicine-hipaa-big-data-in-healthcare/
@Oracle 8 years ago
The healthcare industry is changing rapidly. Why Precision Medicine will be the new norm: http://bit.ly/20G5i2Q #PromiseofPrecMed #BigData
@InterpretaInc 8 years ago
How can healthcare deliver on the promise of personalized medicine today? http://www.interpreta.com/news/san-diego-business-journal-article-big-data-meets-patient-data-to-create-a-complete-care-picture #PrecisionMedicine #BigData
@HIMSSAP 8 years ago
FREE WEBINAR: Digital Healthcare and Paradigm Shifts in Medicine. Click here to register: http://www.himssasiapac.org/events/himss-asiapac-october-webinar-digital-healthcare-and-paradigm-shifts-medicine#sthash.xjvoU2kB.dpuf #healthcareit #bigdata
@WiseYak 8 years ago
Medicine & healthcare industry - ripe for disruption through smart tech http://bit.ly/1Cw6d7X #AI #IoT #AoT #BigData #wiseyak
@WIRED 9 years ago
Let's face it, people aren't about to stop Googling for "vague tingling in my left arm" anytime soon. Google's experiment highlights just how hard it is to do real medicine on the Internet.
@WIRED 9 years ago
"The Knick" offers an unblinking look at what a crude practice medicine was more than 100 years ago -- and, just maybe, a sly examination of how healthcare became what it is now.