@venturebeat.com 1 month ago
AISAP announces $13M seed for AI-powered ultrasounds that offer results in minutes
@venturebeat.com 3 months ago
Science journal retracts peer-reviewed article containing AI generated ‘nonsensical’ images
@venturebeat.com 3 months ago
Zylon launches to take away the pain of generative AI adoption for SMBs
@venturebeat.com 7 months ago
Meta recreates mental imagery from brain scans using AI
@venturebeat.com 7 months ago
Meta can now read minds and recreate your mental imagery with Image Decoder
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
#FDA approvals for #ArtificialIntelligence based #Algorithms in #medicine #BigData #Analytics #IoT #AI #ML #TensorFlow #Python #DataScience #RStats #TensorFlow #Data #digitalhealth #bot #wearables #Serverless #100DaysOfCode #Flutter #Cloud #healthcare #NLP #startups #innovation https://t.co/ubEH3vbHxA
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Critical Building Block of #MLOps https://thenewstack.io/model-server-the-critical-building-block-of-mlops/ #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #5G #python #Wearable #womenintech #sensors #5G #ML #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#AI-produced images can’t fix diversity issues in #dermatology #databases https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/11/22971207/dermatology-ai-diversity-skin-tone-synthetic-images?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
3 big hearings next week on accelerated approvals https://endpts.com/three-big-congressional-hearings-next-week-to-set-the-tenor-on-covid-19-drug-prices-and-arpa-h/ #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #5G #digitalhealth #FDA @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Need A Doctor?Survey Shows 90% Want Help From Drug Makers https://www.forbes.com/sites/debgordon/2022/03/11/need-a-doctor-new-survey-shows-90-want-help-from-drug-makers/ #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Could Russian #Hackers cripple US #healthcare systems? https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-russian-hackers-cripple-health.html #cybersecurity #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
3 signs a #healthtech company won't be good partner for your #hospital https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/innovation/3-signs-a-health-tech-company-won-t-be-a-good-partner-for-your-hospital.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth https://t.co/Hspxw5gaYg
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#ViVE2022: How female founders are driving future of #healthtech https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/health-tech/vive-2022-how-female-founders-executives-are-driving-future-health-tech #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#digitalhealth Compliance Considerations https://www.sidley.com/en/insights/newsupdates/2022/03/digital-health-compliance-considerations-revenue-models-and-patient-incentives #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #HealthForAll #healthtech #AI #femtech #tech #ethics #medicine #5G #ML @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
4 ways UCDavishealth is transforming #digitalhealth for its #patients https://beckershospitalreview.com/digital-health/4-ways-uc-davis-health-is-transforming-digital-health-for-its-patients.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #healthtech #AI #femtech #tech #medicine @sonu_monika https://t.co/5W7r6h6SaO
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
10 most #innovative #medicine & therapeutics companies of 2022 https://www.fastcompany.com/90724447/most-innovative-companies-medicines-therapeutics-2022 #digitalhealth #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #healthtech #AI #femtech #tech @sonu_monika
@brook_writers 2 years ago
HIRE US to do your.. #Medicine #Assignments #Onlineclasses #MachineLearning: #CodeNewbie #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Python #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT #CyberSecurity #DevOps #javascript #WomenWhoCode :@brook_writers
@Gregoryessays 2 years ago
HIRE US to do your.. #Medicine #Assignments #Onlineclasses #MachineLearning: #CodeNewbie #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Python #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT #CyberSecurity #DevOps #javascript #WomenWhoCode :@Gregoryessays
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#FDA approvals for #AI algorithms in #medicine #DataScience #MachineLearning #Python #Programming #CloudComputing #Analytics #Data #flutter #Serverless #neuralnetwork #NLP #digitalhealth #Algorithms #datasets #BigData #Rstats #Tech #CodeNewbies #100DaysOfCode #Dataviz #IoT #5G https://t.co/IhO15z1uTQ
@bigdataconf 2 years ago
#Machinelearning system flags remedies that might do more harm than good https://buff.ly/3oJ1X6q #Healthcare #technology #Artificialintelligence #Algorithms #Medicine #DataScience #DeepLearning #NLP #NoSQL #IoT #TensorFlow #Serverless #Kubernetes #R #Python #AutoML #DataBase
@EssayGuru7 2 years ago
HIRE US to do your.. #Medicine #Assignments #Onlineclasses #MachineLearning: #CodeNewbie #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Python #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT #CyberSecurity #DevOps #javascript #WomenWhoCode Jake Paul, ice cube
@_Sivasai 2 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence &the Humanization of #medicine https://insidesources.com/artificial-intelligence-and-the-humanization-of-medicine/ via @InsideSourcesDC #HospitalsTalkToLovedOnes #ML #AI #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #Python #BigData #NLP #robots #Industry40 #tech #BioInformatics #WomenInSTEM #STEM #100DaysOfMLCode #capchat #Coding https://twitter.com/HospitalsTalkTo/status/1436665073997594631
@sallyeaves 3 years ago
Advancing Personalised #medicine with #AI New #research to improve #cancer prediction specifically breast cancer shows promise #data available on #github here http://bit.ly/MLMedicine #MachineLearning #ML #coding #TechForGood #health #technology #Python #IoT #NLP #DeepLearning https://t.co/RxOC2WksHp