@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Researchers find flaws in algorithm used to identify atypical medication orders
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
AI Weekly: AI joins the fight against diseases like coronavirus
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
DeepMind’s AI predicts kidney injury up to 48 hours before it happens
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
HeartFlow’s AI coronary test outperforms conventional alternatives
@teresaslton 6 years ago
82 Companies Reinventing #Medicine#CloudComputing #DataScience #Dataviz #IoE #DigitalTransformation #Business #ArtificialIntelligence #Robotics #RPA #IoT #CyberSecurity #ML #bigdata #MachineLearning #Defstar5 #Cloud #Industry40 #IIoT #AI #Mpgvip #Tech… https://t.co/KUhLOwOdlr
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Google’s Calico partners with new biotech firm to develop anti-aging and cancer drugs