@marcusborba 1 year ago
New report on the impact of artificial intelligence on the doctor-patient relationship https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/new-report-on-the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-the-doctor-patient-relationship @coe #Healthcare #DeepLearning #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysofCode #serverless #iot #womenwhocode #DataScience #Medicine #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/CrPzMfhWHB
@marcusborba 2 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence system rapidly predicts how two proteins will attach The #machinelearning model could help scientists speed the development of new medicines https://news.mit.edu/2022/ai-predicts-protein-docking-0201 @MIT #AI #DataScience #BigData #Analytics #womenwhocode #DeepLearning #100DaysofCode
@Doxyaxone 3 years ago
New England Journal Says, #Mathematics Institutionalizes Racism in Medicine. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://bit.ly/3unGEqQ @gp_pulipaka https://t.co/SC3FswsWCs
@gp_pulipaka 3 years ago
New England Journal Says, #Mathematics Institutionalizes Racism in Medicine. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://bit.ly/3unGEqQ https://t.co/x0u4ArIZz6
@MimiStapleton 3 years ago
A3: #SASchat – Industries are defined by #data and #analytics. Look at new opportunities in medicine, retail, construction, banking, transportation due to #datadriven #smartdecisionmaking. #sustainabledevelopment! #DataForGood https://www.un.org/en/pdfs/Bigdata_SDGs_single_spread_2017.pdf #HackinSAS #datascience https://t.co/gNYssA5S88
@marcusborba 3 years ago
Introduction to Medical Image Registration with DeepReg, Between Old and New. #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #IoT #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #Serverless #Linux #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AI http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.01924 https://t.co/m3TZr6sSTB