@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Researchers find flaws in algorithm used to identify atypical medication orders
@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Researchers aim to measure the impact of imprecise medical data on AI predictions
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Nvidia launches Project MONAI AI framework for health care research in alpha
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Google’s AI predicts physicians’ prescribing decisions 75% of the time
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Microsoft, White House, and Allen Institute release coronavirus data set for medical and NLP researchers
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Google researchers taught an AI to recognize smells
@engadget.com 4 years ago
New wristband could predict aggressive outbursts in people with autism
@techcrunch.com 4 years ago
Google’s SMILY is reverse image search for cancer diagnosis
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Google’s lung cancer detection AI outperforms 6 human radiologists
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Harvard AI determines when tuberculosis becomes resistant to common drugs
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Harvard Medical School’s AI estimates protein structures up to 7 times faster than previous methods
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Harvard Medical School’s AI can detect genetic defect that causes some cancers
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Federated learning technique predicts hospital stay and patient mortality
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
Computer vision identifies signs of early Alzheimer’s up to 6 years before clinical diagnosis
@venturebeat.com 5 years ago
NYU applies open source Google AI to diagnose lung cancer
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
‘Citizen AI’: Teaching artificial intelligence to act responsibly
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
Artificial intelligence is changing the face of plastic surgery
@PennCHIBE 7 years ago
Researchers incl @AmolNavathe w/CHIBE are applying #machinelearning to improve #sepsis diagnosis & treatment #WSD16 https://t.co/Omh2MkGwR2