@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging
@extremetech.com 7 years ago
Deep learning algorithm diagnoses skin cancer as well as seasoned dermatologists
@gcosma1 7 years ago
Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging - http://techemergence.com/deep-learning-medical-applications/ #DataScience #machinelearning #deeplearning #medicalresearch
@machinelearnbot 7 years ago
Machine Learning In Computer-aided Diagnosis: Medical Imaging Intelligence A here http://zpy.io/404a45be #machinelearning @machinelearnbot
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @bradfordcross: stanford: machine learning beats pathologists at diagnosing lung cancer. http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2016/08/16/predicting-lung-cancer-type-and-patient-survival-with-computers/ computer vision for medical imaging ftw!
@tech_timc 7 years ago
“Up to Speed on Deep Learning in Medical Imaging” by @StartupRequests https://medium.com/the-mission/up-to-speed-on-deep-learning-in-medical-imaging-7ff1e91f6d71#.3s7qepus9 #deeplearning #machinelearning #AI #bigdata